This is an enterprise level issue tracking system, which is free for personal use. This product is useful for a range of different types of projects such as: software development projects, home improvement projects, or even an event that you are organizing. This application can be used as an internal issue tracking system of your project, a client portal of your company, or a simple project tracking tool.
The issues and incidents are visible to any project member. Anybody in the project can comment on the issue. If you add yourself as a watcher to an issue, you will start getting notifications of any changes and any comments on that issue, but only the project admin, the creator of the issue, and the person that the issue is assigned to have rights to change the issue.
All notifications are also posted on your message board, which is also visible from the android application that you can download after registration.
There are multi-level data isolation features embedded in the system to protect your information, and to enable the enterprise level issue tracking features. Your information is not searchable. No one can view your registered information. Access to the projects is restricted to the project team. Each team can see no other project and no other tasks of yours. There is no personal information sharing, no project tasks sharing, no message sharing, unless you add your colleagues, employees and contractors to your projects.
After a contact is sent an email invitation to join a project they must choose to accept the invitation in order to view and share project information. No one can add you to a project without your permission.
A friend of yours, a colleague next to your cubicle, even a contractor from a vendor company can all be included in the same team. Once they are included they can be assigned to and track issues in the same project. You can create projects, tasks and assign and share them with your colleagues working anywhere globally.
Personal use is free. Enterprise level memberships are customizable based on the needs of your firm. There is no need to wait: Start your registration. When you want to use the application for your company needs, please email as to get a quote:
Contact Kozap
All notifications are also posted on your message board, which is also visible from the android application that you can download after registration.